Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bulb Planting Tips

And now this tip from.... ABC7Chicago.com: Fall Planting Tips: "Secrets to Success with Bulbs and Other Fun Fall Items:

Planting 'bulb bouquets' gives the most bulbs in the garden with the least amount of work to get the best display. Avoid planting bulbs all in a row to look like soldiers all standing guard. Dig a hole 8 inches deep x 10 inches wide. Place 8-10 major bulbs like tulips, daffodils or hyacinths in the bottom with 1 inch between each bulb. Fill the hole half full (cover the first bulbs with 4 inches of soil). Place 10 minor bulbs like grape hyacinth around the edge of the hole. Fill the rest of the hole with soil, apply bulb fertilizer on top and water thoroughly.

If planting tulips you must use a repellent to prevent squirrels and chipmunks from digging and eating them. There are repellents based on odor and taste that are made from different ingredients like blood meal, fish meal, hot peppers, fermented eggs and castor oil that work for tulips.

Bulb fertilizer is important. Bulbs are heavy feeders and they need to be fertilized every fall and every spring. Try Bulb Tone and Bulb Booster.


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